J. S. Sato Music Editions
Music Typesetting
Sato Music Editions’ engraving rates and policies are partially reproduced here for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice. The fees listed here are basic charges; additional charges may apply.
Please note: In order to maintain our high standards of quality, Sato Music Editions is not taking any new clients at this time.
Engraving Rates
Project price and time estimates1: Free
1Sato Music Editions can only give a rough estimate; Sato Music Editions does not guarantee that the estimated charges and time (the amount of time it will take to complete a project) will be similar at all to the resulting charges and time.
Price2: $0.05 per item (including custom-made items)
2In general, the more complex the page, the more items a page will have.
Initial creation of custom-made items: $0.075 per vector
Hourly charges: Usually none3
3There may be exceptional circumstances in which charging by time may be more practical (e. g. corrections to a previously completed project). In this case, a rate of $40.00 per hour (charged in fifteen-minute increments) will be charged in lieu of per-item charges. In some cases, a single project may have a per-item charge on certain parts of the project, while the remainder of the project is charged by time.
Output Options
Two copies of each page4: Included at no additional cost
4Printing options: Letter size (8½×11", 1200 dpi) or legal size (8½×14", 1200 dpi)
Additional copies (in addition to two free per page): $0.25 per single-sided copy (plus applicable sales tax)
Comb-bound copies: $0.50 per sheet plus $1.00 per comb (plus applicable sales tax)
Copies of old projects5: $0.50 per single-sided copy (plus applicable sales tax)
5Sato Music Editions does not guarantee the availability of old projects. Copies of old projects are sold only to the customer who authorized Sato Music Editions to undertake the original project.
Comb-bound copies of old projects: $1.00 per sheet plus $1.00 per comb (plus applicable sales tax)
Output on CD-ROM6: $3.00 CD-ROM (plus applicable sales tax)
6A variety of output formats are available. Ask for details.
Established customer discount7: 5%
7A customer can qualify for an established customer discount after three (3) consecutive projects with good payment history. If payments for subsequent projects subject to this discount are not paid by the due dates, then the customer risks cancellation of the established customer discount. This discount may only be applied to engraving charges.
Other Important Information Regarding Charges
Minimum charge per page after discounts: $10.00
Required deposit8: $10.00 per page
8The required deposit must be prepaid and is credited on the invoice after completion of the project. This deposit is forfeit if the project is canceled by the customer after Sato Music Editions had begun the project. If Sato Music Editions refuses the undertaking of the project, or if Sato Music Editions decides to abandon the project in progress, the deposit will be refunded. The required deposit must be paid by all customers, regardless of discount eligibility as stated above.
Any shipping costs incurred during the course of the project (including postage for correspondence) will be reflected on the invoice. Applicable sales tax will be charged for the shipping of extra copies and CD-ROMs (see Output Options above).